Project information
- Category: Android development
- Client: iRyde ( nRyde )
- Project Duration: Mar 2022 - present
- Project URL: Link to Google play store
Project details
■ Developed this project from idea to production.
■ Developed a single activity architecture, and implemented the MVVM design pattern for this project.
■ Pushed designs from just mock-up to real products, and great user experience.
■ Implemented DI into the project.
■ Collaborated with other team members on my team to make this product great.
■ Implemented push notifications, and in this project.
Note: This super application is still in development, and we've rolled out a beta for the public.
Technologies/languages: Git, Java, Kotlin, GPS, Google map, firebase, Robot electric, Espresso, Junit, Glide, Hilt, coil,, Aws. etc.